Leading Industrial Safety Supplier Nigerias Leading Industrial Safety Supplier Nigerias Leading Industrial Safety Supplier Nigerias Leading Industrial Safety Supplier Nigerias Leading Industrial Safety Supplier Nigerias

About Us

SOC ENERGY SERVICES LTD is a Nigerian-based safety, service, and procurement company incorporated under the companies and Allied Matters Act, CAP C20 LFN 2004 with its principal place of business in Lekki Lagos and a Strategic Business Unit in Abuja. We are specialized in providing premium quality safety Products/ brands, Procurement of Equipments/Materials, Safety Consulting,Maintenance of facilities, Repairs of industrial Equipments and Project management services to clients in oil & gas Exploration,maritime,construction, manufacturing & mining industries.


Founded 26th Febuary 2019, our mission has always been to help our clients achieve their goals by providing top-quality safety products, Support services, and Procurement solutions. Over the years, we have built a strong reputation for excellence and reliability, and we have worked with a wide range of clients across the oil & gas, maritime, and construction industries.


Our team is made up of highly skilled and experienced safety inclined professionals who are dedicated to delivering the best results per project and improving on the already existing safety regiments per Organization. We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients and we are committed to their success.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide exceptional high-quality safety, service, and procurement solutions that help our clients achieve their business goals.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be the best, the very best safety, Service & procurement Company we can possibly be by maintaining a positive and leading posture through our passionate pursuit of excellence in all facets of our business operations.

Core Values



We prioritize safety in all of our operations and take the necessary precautions to protect our clients, our employees, and the public. SOC is focused on providing(safety products, services, and spares) necessary for achieving the safest workplace environments by meeting all our esteemed client’s safety needs.


We recommend, procure, supply, and install trusted and tested top-quality safety brands & Industrial spares sourced directly from the OEMs. Our services are delivered by highly skilled technicians with substantive levels of experience gained over the years. We continuously look to improve and ensure our services are delivered in line with industry best practices and according to customer requirements benchmarked with international standards.



Customer Service

We are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and building long-term relationships with our clients.


We believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration and we work closely with our clients and partners to achieve shared Goals. SOC Energy Services LTD is committed to closing the gap between safety and compliance per company.




We place a high value on integrity and transparency in all our business dealings, We treat others as we wish to be treated, conduct every business transaction in an ethical manner, and build relationships based on collaboration, honesty, and respect. 

Company Management Policies


Our Quality management policy is an integral part of our overall strategy and reflects our values and commitment to quality in all aspects of our operations. We have a comprehensive quality management system in place.


SOC ENERGY SERVICES LTD will constantly provide goods and services that meet and exceed the requirements, and expectations of our clients/customers. We have put in measures and KPIs that will ensure continual improvement of our quality management system in line with the requirements of ISO9001:2015.


We are committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, clients, and the communities in which we operate fostering good health In line with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018. We seek to create an environment that is void of unsafe acts and hazards of any nature.

We place great emphasis on the promotion of the total health concept and the protection of all employees. Our employees must therefore be passed physically and medically fit before being given the go-ahead to commence any job. We believe that sustainable success can be reached only through people. No other asset in the company is as important as the people that contribute with their work to add value to our culture and yield business results.

Therefore, we devote all the necessary energy and attention to ensuring the safety of our employees, contractors, and any other persons involved with the company along our value chain.


We are committed to protecting the environment by implementing sustainable practices in all of our operations. We recognize our responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment and are committed to continuous improvement in our environmental performance in line with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

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