23 Sep The Relevance Of Workplace Safety
Workplace safety has become one of the main priorities for Industries/organizations across the world.
As safe workplaces are also productive ones, employers are trying to find new ways to keep their employees safe and healthy.
In this article, we will go over the importance of workplace safety.
Workplace Safety Defined:
Safety of workers (also known as worker safety and occupational health and safety) refers to the provision of a safe working environment, SAFETY EQUIPMENT,policies,and procedures in order to ensure workers health and safety. In present times, workplace safety has become one of the main concerns for many employers.
While organizations have a moral obligation to ensure safe working conditions, unsafe workplaces can also have serious legal and financial consequences for employers.
The Importance of Keeping Your Workplace Safe:
Safety in the workplace has a significant impact on overall business KPIs. In other words,safer working environments benefit from fewer accidents, which results in fewer occupational health costs, better employee retention and satisfaction, less employee downtime, and less retraining time.
Let’s now take a deeper dive into the importance of workplace safety:
1) Employee retention:Employees appreciate safe working environments, which is a sign that their employer cares about their wellbeing. Therefore,
employees who feel safe at work are also more loyal to their employers and stay longer within their organizations. On the other hand,
those who don’t feel safe or have experienced workplace accidents are much more likely to search for new employers.
2) Company finances:The global Workplace Safety Index reported that for every $1 a company invests in workplace safety, the result amounts to a $4 return on investment.
This is not surprising as a company could run into serious financial trouble if an employee gets injured at work.
The Nigerian Chapter-Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) requires all employers to follow specific guidelines in creating safe workplaces.
3) Employee productivity:Employees who feel safe in their working environments are also more productive than those who have been injured in the past and, therefore,
have developed a certain level of anxiety and fright. Eliminating workplace hazards enables employees to stay invested in their work and do their best.
4) Company reputation and Employer Branding:Companies that don’t invest in workplace safety quickly develop a reputation of an unsafe employer, which has a big impact on employer branding and talent attraction efforts. Moreover, the company’s customers,competitors and the general public often perceive such companies as unprofessional.
As a consequence, fewer employees apply for jobs, and the most skilled workers often search for jobs elsewhere.
Whats your view on workplace safety?
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